IaC Solutions for AWS Cloud 2020: which one is the right for you?

Julian Dm
10 min readOct 29, 2020


A high level graphic of how the tools interact with AWS

I recently had the benefit of testing several tools to deploy Amazon Web Service(AWS) cloud infrastructure as code(IaC) in hands-on projects. Let me share my findings with you.

Just as a reminder: This guide focuses on the market leader AWS since it has the biggest variety in IaC frameworks. If your company is confident that AWS will be tamed by competitors and won’t disproportionately increase its prices in the next decade then you may stay with me and read this guide. If you are however using Azure or Google cloud or a mixture of all providers, you might as well skip this article and start learning terraform.

You probably know AWS’s user interface to interact with cloud services called AWS “console”. It is quiet useful to gain a visual representation of the service’s state, other static information and monitoring data.

On the other side manually manipulating the state of services (starting, stopping, updating) is also possible but gets time-consuming and unmanageable quickly for deployments of bigger applications.

Infrastructure as Code(IaC) or:

“…a single text-based description of a complete cloud infrastructure at a given point in time

eliminates these problems by being versionable through a VCS like GIT and automatically deployable without human effort through a CI service such as CodePipeline. The open-source community brought up several solutions on how to manage IaC for your cloud resources:

Since this shouldn’t be a sales pitch for one or the other solutions let’s first start off with a neutral comparison to get some basic facts about each service. Compare the release dates and Github Stars to get a sense about the popularity and maturity of each option.

neutral comparison by a few attributes

AWS CloudFormation

The initial go-to solution for IaC in Amazon Web Services is called CloudFormation. A declarative specification that describes your whole cloud infrastructure in one or several .yaml files. You can use so-called “Stacks” to modularise your infrastructure deployment and will find various boilerplate templates of these stacks for almost any service provided by AWS on their website. Nowadays however it is very rare to see a devops engineer writing a “raw” CloudFormation script by hand due to some drawbacks explained below.

Since an example cloudFormation file for a basic deployment was too long to paste here, let me provide you with a link to a github repository with a good example


  • Widely known YAML and JSON syntax is supported
  • The last frontier to the AWS API: all other IaC Wrappers by AWS are based on CloudFormation. Debugging your failed deployment might necessitate that you have a peak into a CloudFormation file once in a while so it doesn’t hurt to know it.


  • Many older CloudFormation samples are broken indicating that the AWS services and their dependencies have frequent breaking changes.
  • CloudFormation is only for AWS and not useful for multi-cloud deployments
  • Downside of configuration languages like YAML/JSON: Your only two tools here are defining and nesting statements. On the other side you have the whole AWS landscape with rich semantics and interconnections that you now have to “syntactically downsample” into YAML.
  • Templates get long very quickly: For connecting related resources you have to nest statements various layers deep which increases the file length and is quiet verbose.

Unlike in programming languages where you have a clear distinction between language specific syntax and your own custom logic, CloudFormation-specific statements (i.e. “Parameters”, “Ref”) use the same syntax as attributes that act as definition for the respective services (i.e. “InstanceType” for an ec2 instance). That makes it very hard to distinguish patterns and find structure as a human reader.


The core idea of CloudFormation is still very neat, however there are now multiple other solutions established in the open-source community and recognised by AWS that wrap away the complexity of cloudformation templates. Most importantly, using CloudFormation directly might entail security risks, simply because the complexity and repetitiveness of CloudFormation encourages human error. Therefore, it is a bold (and slightly sadistic) move to directly use CloudFormation in 2020 for managing your cloud infrastructure in code, except maybe for debugging. Consider using one of the following solutions instead

AWS Amplify

A Cli based framework to develop cloud-native Apps. Therefore rolling out cloud resources is just one of its many capabilities next to its main purpose of supporting the complete back to front development of a (mobile) app. The current definition of your infrastructure and locally adapted version is saved in a backend/ folder as Code and CloudFormation Files within your app repository. Similar to git it compares the two states once you hit the cli command “amplify push” and only deploys the changes.

An example workflow with Amplify to add a lambda function to an existing project. The CLI is a foolproof way to set up and connect services in the cloud.


  • Great CLI, you can create, delete, update your backend resources by just by answering simple (Yes/No-) Questions. This makes it very user-friendly, even if you don’t know anything about CloudFormation.
  • Integration with AWS Cognito: you can easily create a user-pool, add authentication (with OAuth etc, check Cognito for more), and if you choose even the accompanying frontend with Login/Register/Reset Screens from the command line.
  • Powerful integration with DynamoDB + GraphQl API: theoretically you can define the majority of the two tiers (Api & Database) in one shema.graphql File: Define the data types with a few directives and Tables, Api Endpoints and resolvers are generated for you. Also basic GraphQl queries/mutations/events are generated from the CLI that you can use in your frontend.
  • All created services in amplify can be “connected”. So if you want to for example deploy a lambda function that accesses your user-pool, you define it in the Cli which automatically adds permissions and creates an ENV Variable that you can use in your function.
  • Hands-on documentation


  • Some early hickups: For example, at the moment there is no automatic User type created within Amplify. It is necessary to create custom resolvers in order to not duplicate every user in cognito and in your DynamoDb storage. Since user handling is such a basic feature of every app development platform it comes as a bad surprise that this was not automatically integrated. But there is hope
  • CLI overrides your custom changes: This comes by design since amplify relies heavily on its CLI. If you choose to edit the cloudFormation template of one resource for a custom modification, per my understanding you can’t use the CLI for this resource afterwards since it will override your changes.
  • A general rule for IaC but can’t be repeated enough: Refrain from remote drift also here (for example deleting a lambda function manually through the console that was deployed through amplify) since this will break your “amplify push” command.

In general, at this point in time, you better hope that you can figure out the reason for any of the cli commands to fail since otherwise you might only be left with wiping the project and start afresh. Let’s be hopeful that the error handling of the CLI will improve here.


If you are a small or even one person team, rapidly developing a (mobile) App based on (AWS-) cloud resources and don’t know a whole lot about DevOps, Amplify is a very safe bet. I personally found it quiet useful and use it now preferredly for my personal projects. However, I am not sure if using AWS Amplify is a good idea in a corporate environment since you are encouraged to use the CLI-first which in turn is not versionable/traceable except for changes in the cloudformation templates.

While using Amplify, it served me well to get familiar with the contents of the backend/ folder to really understand what’s going on under the hood. I would advise you the same.


SAM was the first IaC Framework for AWS i stumbled upon and introduced me to the magical wonders of IaC (Before i was still clicking around in the console). It is an extension to CloudFormation in which Identifiers for policies and the 3 fundamental services Lambda, DynamoDB and API Gateway were redefined in a much more lean and simple way, therefore reducing the lines of code in your template file substantially and improving your mental health while editing them.

You can see that with a few lines of code you can define a DynamoDb Table HelloWorldTable, a REST endpoint at /helloworld, and a custom Lambda Handler printHelloWorldFunction


  • The connection of resources is simple without handling around with lots of nested layers. Some popular policy scopes are even predefined (i.e. DynamoDBCrudPolicy) reducing the permission handling of a resource to one line.
  • As in Amplify, endpoints are automatically injected as ENV-Variables into your lambda handlers, no messing around with endpoints in the config
  • “Low-level” CloudFormation from the start, so custom extensions with CloudFormation are possible


  • Again only useful for very basic applications and a need for CloudFormation once app grows


I personally see the benefit of SAM as a compromise between Amplify and CloudFormation. There is practically no overhead for your development environment compared to a full-fledged App Framework like Amplify and at the same time it is structured way simpler than vanilla CloudFormation. If you are working on a basic 3-Tier Application and would only use Lambda, the API Gateway and a NoSQL database anyway you can confidently base your app on SAM. I also found it very easy to migrate the project from the REST-based API in SAM to a GraphQL-based API in Amplify by just copy-pasting the lambda handlers into the respective resolver functions for the graphQL API (if you ever need to).


The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open source software development framework to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages.

You can see that using the CDK means a bit more boilerplate code but you can structure logic in your own desired way, like with the “addCorsOption” function


  • Can handle any complexity and customisation of setup and supports any resource in the AWS ecosphere from the start. It’s handy for large deployments with an imperative, flexible approach.
  • Comparably easier to grasp what’s going on since you can benefit from your programming language of choice, especially if you are from a programming background.
  • Some more benefits of coding: You can access code completion so you don’t need to skim through the documentation that often, You can structure the roll-out in logical parts with object orientation and finally leverage the community by copying handy code-snippets (stackoverflow is your friend).


  • For simple rollouts writing an app with logical structuring just to in turn roll-out a basic cloud infrastructure (i.e. two-tier app) seems a bit overkill.
  • Still evolving and likely to have huge breaking changes between major versions.


AWS CDK is especially well-suited for teams from a programming background, projects with a need for highly customizable infrastructure that’s extending basic app development and fluctuating teams that need a human-friendly description of infrastructure for quick onboarding. Just as an example for the variety, there’s already an open-source extension of CDK for kubernetes “cdk8s” that can generate any kubernetes configuration .yaml files through a few lines of code. However, in my humble opininion, for simple app deployments(a.k.a “give me a database and Api”) this might be too much and you are better off with one of the above solutions (SAM and Amplify) and investing your time into developing the app first.


Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure across popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.

A very lean example of how to define a lambda function with a dynamoDB Table without an API Gateway.


  • Independent of AWS, so can be used for or with other cloud providers in multi-cloud deployments.
  • You could already call it a standard for multicloud deployments by now


  • Rather flat learning curve for practical usage (Rule of thumb: If there’s a certificate for it, you cannot just learn it over a weekend)
  • Terraform has to be adapted constantly since the API of AWS, Azure etc. also change. This may create a small delay in which your roll-outs might fail until terraform releases a next version.
  • In comparison to dedicated AWS Solutions no implicit code generation. For example, while fitting access policies are generated on-the-fly in Amplify and partly in SAM, here you have to explicitly type it out.


The go-to solution for multi-cloud roll-outs or cloud providers apart from AWS. If you are already planning a project that might extend app development and will be based on multiple cloud providers, there is practically no alternative to terraform. You might not be too excited about learning another Syntax (HCL).. but who knows maybe you already used or will use other HashiCorp products in the future.


Of the mentioned services all have their individual pros & cons and deliver value in different scenarios. Let’s take in mind especially in the IT-World there is no such thing as a “perfect framework/paradigm”: just good enough solutions that hit the sweet spot between abstracting repetitive or complex stuff that you don’t want to deal with while giving you enough flexibility to change the stuff that you care about.

To wrap it up:

  • Use CloudFormation with care and patience since it is quiet verbose and not exactly intuitive. Unless you are very sure about choosing this option better go for the other IaC Tools.
  • If you are developing a production ready, user-based app with authentication, user-pool, custom backend, user-based blob storage, noSQL Storage (among others) and have a small agile team, go for AWS Amplify.
  • If you are quickly developing a simple app, for example for a research project, that needs just the very basics: Database, custom backend/functions and an Api, go for AWS SAM.
  • If you have a complex deployment on AWS in sight that isn’t covered by the solutions above and want to benefit from the advantages of your favourite coding language, go for AWS CDK.
  • If you are not sure about AWS and want to deploy your infrastructure on multiple cloud providers, go for Terraform.








Julian Dm

Freelance RNA Developer (React + Node + AWS) working from Berlin. Learn more on juliandemourgues.com